Shortened Cake Luke Lamiot

Shortened cakes, also known as conventional cakes, are the most common cakes made. They are moist, tender, and chances are you have already made one of these cakes, they are the box cakes people buy.

Shortened cakes use either shortening, butter, or margarine for it's fat.
Shortened Cakes use 2-3 eggs per cake.
Shortened cakes use a chemical leavening agent, either baking soda or baking powder.
AS you can see, these cakes are nice and moist, fluffy, and you can't tell from the picture, but nice and tender.
Shortened cakes use the conventional mixing method which starts by creaming together the butter and sugar. And then beat in the eggs.
In a separate bowl mix together the dry ingredients ( flour, salt, and the leavening agent).
The final step for mixing this cake is to alternately add in the dry ingredients in 3 parts, starting and ending with dry ingredients. - Link to four egg yellow cake recipe


Created with images by carabou - "cake #4: chocolate fondant" • James Bowe - "Eggs"

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