"Tiger Woods" by Jeremy Roberts November/December 2016 AR Biography Activity

"Both Kultida and Earl dotted on their son. According to Earl, Kultidas asian background played a role in shaping tiger." The way Tiger was taught to respect his parents and other adults, to rely on his instincts and feelings, to be unselfish and generous," said Earl"..... (pg.15)

Based upon the context clues the word "instincts" means to occur naturally, or is intuitive.

....."said Earl, 'these are all tenets of Asian philosophy and culture that he has embraced'..." (pg. 15)

Based upon the context clues, "tenets" means any opinion or principle, especially one held as true by members of a group.

"He encountered biased officers in the army." (pg.22)

Based upon the context clues in the text, "encountered" means to be faced with someone difficult.

"As a lieutenant colonel, he outranked many, if not all, of his detractors." (pg.22)

Based upon the context clues in the text, "outranked" means to be better than.

"Tiger certainly would have left the strain if he had stopped to think about it."(pg.64)

Based upon the context clues in the text, "strain" means to make a usually great effort.

"He'd known many triumphs but he had also tasted failure." (pg.64)

Based upon the context clues in the text, "triumphs" means a great victory.

"Even after Elder broke the color barrier, some resentment and prejudice remained." (pg.65)

Based upon the contexts clues in the text, "prejudice" means harm or injury that results or may result from some action or judgment.

"Unless Tiger made a phenomenal shot from the trap, May could win this hole and force a sudden death playoff." (pg.85)

Based upon the contexts clues in the text, "phenomenal" means very remarkable.

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Created with images by Krzysztof Urbanowicz - "Urbanowicz_Krzysztof_GOLF" • Peggy_Marco - "cat thailand paw" • Acradenia - "Rules OK" • Franck_Michel - "Encounter" • globochem3x1minus1 - "animal kingdom" • frankjuarez - "Strain" • keijj44 - "champions award trophy" • Fountain_Head - "Push The Limits" • kevin dooley - "Water, sun and boat: A sonnet in orange, blue, and white"

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