The story of Buddha SAra mccallUm

Attention! Prince Siddhartha is born! #royalfamily @king.sudhodana

Breaking news! Asita looked and me and cried tears of joy! #love @_asita

Help my wife is very ill!! #sendmedicine @kind.sudhodana

I love my sister, she decided to take care of my son. #newhome @queenmaya

Only a few days in school and I already learned so much! #learningisfun

I'm in love with Princess Yasodhara and I want to marry her! #younglove @princessyasodhara_

Today was a great day, I won an archery match and tamed a horse. #tournament

I built my son and daughter in law two beautiful palaces for them! #newlyweds @king.sudhodana

I went adventuring and was shocked with people how many elders I saw. #generations

Life is depressing, I saw a coffin today and it really hit me hard. #rip

I can't seem to cheer my son up lately. All he does is spend time alone #help @king.sudhodana

I'm heading home time!! #searchforthetruth

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