Johnny B. Haircare Cal's Barber & Beauty at Brownwood

  • Cal's Barber & Beauty at Brownwood has recently introduced the Johnny B. Haircare line of products. This terrific line is now featured in our Barbershop and is available for purchase as well. These products are affordably priced and feature amazing fragrances designed to not overwhelm.
  • Stop in to talk with any one of our barbers, Joe Woodbury, Keith Munroe, Michael Perretti, Fred Lenhardt, Donna Gallo or Eddie Gallo about Johnny B.
Johnny B. Products
Shave Cream
Molding Paste
All Over
Beard Balm & many more
  • As we have taken on this new line of products, we want to ensure our clients have the most up to date knowledge on all Johnny B. products and that our staff will be able to recommend the best available product.
  • We were recently joined by Johnny B. educator Elvin who provided our staff with a complete product knowledge class and had a chance to demonstrate on Joe Woodbury. It was great to flip the script as Joe had a chance to sit in his own chair.
  • At Cal's Barber & Beauty we constantly strive to stay on top of current trends and styles in order to provide our clients the best experience possible.
  • Continuing Education is one of the primary ways to accomplish this and we would like to thank Johnny B. for spending time with our staff.
Joe Woodbury and Elvin! 😀

We are excited to offer this line of products to our clients and are available to talk about the right product for you. Stop in and see us at:

  • 3608 Kiessel Road, The Villages, FL 32163 or call at 352-750-5334 for an appointment.

We ask you to find us and "Like Us" on Facebook for exciting information, product specials, and general knowledge.

Created By
Dina M. Simpson


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