Air Cannon P4 T2 By Marcus Dennis

Final Design
My Drawing
First Design

11/16/16 We made a design on onshape for the stabilizers and cannon.

11/16/16 The team started to make designs for the cannon.

11/18/16 We are making the cannon with PVC pipes, we had to cut the pipe in 3/4'' and connected them back so that it could make a ''U'' like shape.
11/18/17 We then glued the pipes together and we added a pressure valve to the cannon but it broke so we had to get a new one.
11/20/16 We had to a create our own stabilizers for the cannon, after a lot of trial and error ( and the help of Mr.Twilley), we made the ideal stabilizer for our cannon.
11/22/16 We got the right type of stabilizer but the current one's diameter was too small then snapped in half so we made a new one that had two stabilizers on top of each other. We also had to glue the closing piece of the stabilizer so that it could look complete and not fall off.
12/5/2016 We made the almost perfect stabilizer for our cannon, we can now carry on to the base.
12/15/16 We made the base on onshape, we just need to check the measurements, get plywood, and we will be on our marry-way.

12/19/16 We made our base but Mr.Twilley broke it while he was chiseling the base out so we had to make another base.

12/21/16 We glued the elevation and the gear piece for our cannon, we can do more stuff next class. We also had to use blocks that were at a 90 degree angle in order for our base to be leveled.

1/3/17 We had to nail down the base so that it would actually stay together when we launch the cannon.

1/9/17 We started the next task of our cannon, which was making the elevation piece. We drilled holes into the center of the stabilizer.

1/11/17 We had to use a drill on the elevation piece so that the dowels that Ronald bought for us could actually fit the hole.
We decided to drill holes into the stabilizer so that it could be used as part of our elevation section of the base. One whole for the front and another for the back of the elevation base.
1/13/17 We designed our elevation piece for the cannon, we are laser-printing elevation piece. Part of the reason we did this was because we did not have time to use the Shopbot.
1/13/17 Taylor, Zach, and I had to drill a bigger hole for the dowel.
1/13/17 Taylor was afraid that the front piece of our base would snap off because of the pressure that it would take when the cannon is on it.
We finally made the final cannon, we have to pull the push the dowel into the two holes so that the cannon could keep still in the base.
We used another dowel for the elevation piece of the base.
1/18/17 We realized that the elevation piece was a bit too thin and we had time to use the Shopbot so we got to it.
We made multiple elevation pieces so that we could actually change the degrees of the cannon. We did not have time to sand them by hand so Zach(the courageous guy he is) used the palm sander to make it quicker and it worked.
It was launching time, we were ready to launch but the pressure valve broke, Kyle helped us get a new one and we decided to switch the cannon so that it could launch higher, which was a good idea.

1/20.17 At this time, we were just fixing more things for our base and I was finishing my Portfolio.

2/1/17 It was the we had to do our cannon launches but for points instead of distance like the last one.
The objective was to get the ball in the box and get the most amount of points before the period was over. The box was 10p and the tarp was 5p

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