
保守党要求审查中共国在欣克利核电站的参与情况 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:《TELEGRAPH BUSINESS》;作者:Ed Clowes and Christopher Williams;发布时间:2020年7月25日





Tories demand review of Chinese involvement at Hinkley nuclear site


Calls for a new review are growing amid diplomatic tensions between Britain and China over Hong Kong and the telecoms equipment maker Huawei


There have been conflicting statements over how many Chinese experts and engineers are working on the construction of the nuclear plant


Senior Conservatives are this weekend demanding a review of the Hinkley Point C nuclear plant after a Sunday Telegraph investigation found a Chinese state energy company is more closely involved in the project than previously disclosed.


Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the former Conservative leader, said he believes that ministers had been misled when they approved the role of China General Nuclear in the £22.5bn reactor. Theresa May’s government was assured in 2016 the Beijing-controlled company would be a financial partner only when it took a 33.5pc stake in Hinkley alongside the lead developer, France’s EDF.

前保守党领袖艾恩·邓肯·史密斯爵士说,他相信部长们在批准中广核公司参与这价值225亿英镑的核反应堆建设中被误导了。 特蕾莎·梅(Theresa May)的政府在2016年被保证,这家北京控股的公司在与主要开发商法国EDF一起持有欣克利33.5%的股份中,只是一个资金合作伙伴。

The Sunday Telegraph found conflicting statements from the Chinese and the French over the number of Chinese workers on the site. CGN has said it has “more than 100 engineers and technical experts working on Hinkley”, while EDF has put the number at between 20 and 30. Both companies this weekend declined to comment.

《星期日电讯报》发现,中法两国在该网站上有关中国工人人数的说法相互矛盾。 中广核(CGN)表示,“有超过100名工程师和技术专家在欣克利项目上工作”,而EDF说人数在20到30之间。两家公司本周末均拒绝置评。

Corporate and project sources said CGN’s role goes beyond financial support, with EDF leaning heavily on Chinese technical expertise. “Of course, we work closely with the Chinese,” said one project source.

公司和项目消息人士称,中广核(CGN)的作用已超出资金支持,而EDF则严重依赖中国的技术专长。 一位项目消息人士说:“当然,我们与中国人紧密合作。”

The collaboration has become so close that CGN has warned EDF New Nuclear Build, the division responsible for building Hinkley, not to share commercially sensitive information with its sister company EDF Energy, which operates nuclear sites across Europe.

双方之间的合作如此紧密,以至于中广核(CGN)曾警告负责欣克利建设的部门EDF新原子能建设不要与其在欧洲经营核电站的姊妹公司EDF 能源共享商业敏感信息。

Sir Iain said: “It was obviously never just going to be a financial partnership. This information tells you everything you need to know to back the call to have an independent, strategic review into our dependency on China.”

伊恩爵士说:“显然,这从来不会只是一种金融合作伙伴关系。 这些


Nick Timothy, who tried unsuccessfully as Mrs. May’s top adviser to block the Chinese deal, said: “Hinkley Point was supposed to involve French expertise and Chinese investment, and even then, it was a bad deal on several fronts.

尼克·蒂莫西(Nick Timothy)未能成功作为梅夫人的高级顾问来阻止这笔中共国交易,他说:“欣克利角(Hinkley Point)本来应该是涉及法国的专业知识和中共国的投资,即使如此,这在几个方面也是一笔糟糕的交易。

“If it is true that China has a significant operational role at Hinkley then there are many questions that need to be answered.


“Is this consistent with what ministers signed off in 2016? Have these employees been given full security clearance? By whom are they employed? Has EDF been fully transparent with the British government?”

“这与2016年部长签署的协议一致吗? 这些员工是否已全部通过安全检查? 他们由谁雇用? EDF是否对英国政府完全透明?”

Calls for a new review are growing amid diplomatic tensions between Britain and China over Hong Kong and the telecoms equipment maker Huawei, which has been banned from involvement in UK 5G networks over security concerns. The company says it poses no threat.

在中英两国之间在香港与电信设备制造商华为之间的外交紧张关系中,要求进行新审查的呼声越来越高。出于安全考虑,华为已被禁止参与英国5G网络。 该公司表示不会构成威胁。

Hinkley is intended as the first of a new generation of nuclear reactors involving China.


Last week, CGN applied for a license in the UK to generate electricity at Bradwell B, the site of another proposed nuclear reactor, regulatory documents show. If approved, Bradwell B will be the first majority Chinese-owned nuclear plant in the UK, complete with a first-of-its-kind Chinese reactor. Hinkley Point C and Sizewell C, the two planned nuclear plants that CGN owns minority stakes in, will both use European reactors.

监管文件显示,上周,中广核(CGN)在英国申请了在另一个拟议的核反应堆所在地布拉德威尔B发电的许可证。 如果获得批准,布拉德威尔B核电站将会是在英国的首家由中共国占大多数拥有权的核电站,此电站拥有首例的中共国反应堆。 中广核集团拥有少数股权的两个计划中的核电站欣克利角C点和Sizewell C点都将使用欧洲反应堆。

Mr Timothy said: “We must not allow China any further role in our critical national infrastructure, especially our nuclear power stations.”

