The Reform Movements BY the only steveen G. VictOr E. 8th Period

Abolitionist person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution, of slavery.Abolitionism in the United States was the movement before and during the American Civil War to end slavery in the United States. In the Americas and western Europe, abolitionism was a movement to end the Atlantic slave trade and set slaves free. In the 17th century, English Quakers and Evangelicals condemned slavery as un-Christian. At that time, most slaves were Africans, but thousands of Native Americans were also enslaved. In the 18th century, as many as six million Africans were transported to the Americas as slaves, at least a third of them on British ships to North America. Abolition was part of the message of the First Great Awakening of the 1730s and 1740s in the Thirteen Colonies.

Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady S went to the world anti- slavery convention in 1840 London the couldn't talk about slavery because they were women they were not happy about the segregation that they faced. Women can't vote. Be in office or have good jobs that pay high.The beginning of the fight for women’s suffrage in the United States, which predates Jeannette Rankin’s entry into

Congress by nearly 70 years, grew out of a larger women’s rights movement. That reform effort evolved during the 19th century, initially emphasizing a broad spectrum of goals before focusing solely on securing the franchise for women. Women’s suffrage leaders, moreover, often disagreed about the tactics for and the emphasis (federal versus state) of their reform efforts. Ultimately, the suffrage movement provided political training for some of the early women pioneers in Congress, but its internal divisions foreshadowed the persistent disagreements among women in Congress and among women’s rights activists after the passage of the 19th Amendment.

The foundation of reforms is the effort to reform American policies and society in general. One movement was the transcendentalist this was the believe In goodness of man dad a self reliance a man reform society the leader was Henry David Theory Who advocated that people should challenge American rules and laws that were considered to be unjust for them to refuse to obey them this is known as civil disobedienc others included in this group for Nathaniel howthor Who wrote the scarlet letter what were man who is a poet animal leaves of grass The works of new group of American writers and artists inspired other reforms these writers and artists created a voice and vision that was truly American and created other reforms

This was a post encouraging you to vote for the temperance movement moms didn't want or like it when there husband would come home drunk

in the 1800s many people took a pledge never to drink alcohol. They were part of a movement called Temperance that was to have an enormous impact on our country. In the period following the American Revolution many Americans drank to excess. This was due in part to economic and social problems that occurred as a result of rapid inflation following the war for independence. But widespread drinking was also a way of life. People accustomed to hard physical labor often drank when working—indeed it was often customary to pay workers with drink as well as money. Alcohol was an important part of all kinds of social functions from marriage ceremonies to elections to militia musters. In many parts of the country few drinks existed that did not contain alcohol, and it was often considered healthier to drink fermented and distilled beverages than water, which was often contaminated.The Temperance Movement began to solve this growing problem. Beginning in the early 1800s the movement first tried to make people temperate in their drinking—that is to make them drink less. But by the 1820s the movement started to advocate for the total abstinence of all alcohol—that is to urge people to stop drinking completely. The movement was alsoinfluential in passing laws that prohibited the sale of liquor in several

Education reform is the name given to the goal of changing public education. Historically, reforms have taken different forms because the motivations of reformers have differed. However, since the 1980s, education reform has been focused on changing the existing system from one focused on inputs to one focused on outputs (i.e., student achievement). In the United States, education reform acknowledges and encourages public education as the primary source of K-12 education for American youth. Education reformers desire to make public education into a market (in the form of an input-output system), where accountability creates high-stakes from curriculum standards tied to standardized tests.[1][2] As a result of this input-output system, equality has been conceptualized as an end point, which is often evidenced by an achievement gap among diverse populations.[3] This conceptualization of education reform is based on the market-logic of competition. As a consequence, competition creates inequality which has continued to drive the market-logic of equality at an end point by reproduce the achievement gap among diverse youth. Overall, education reform has and continues to be used as a substitute for needed economic reforms in the United States.

In colonial America, punishments were severe. The Massachusetts assembly in 1736 ordered that a thief, on first conviction, be fined or whipped. The second time he was to pay treble damages, sit for an hour upon the gallows platform with a noose around his neck and then be carted to the whipping post for thirty stripes. For the third offense he was to be hanged.[9] But the implementation was haphazard as there was no effective police system and judges wouldn't convict if they believed the punishment was excessive. The local jails mainly held men awaiting trial or punishment and those in debt.


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