Looking for a better way to file your Condition Reports

Finally a simple but robust software solution to improve your departmental workflow in 2017. Frontline Public Safety Solution's is proud to introduce our new Condition Report module, one of six solutions in the Mobile Tool Kit.


FRONTLINE’s Condition Report module is an additional beneficial service to the community that a police department may not be taking advantage of. Say there is a “Street Light Out”, or a “Stop Sign Missing” from an intersection…How does the department handle this when a call comes in?

The Condition Report module is a secure online database that allows users to create entries of abnormal conditions in the community.

There is now a simple way to track these events and notify the proper authorities that some type of action needs to be done? With the Condition Report module, you will be able to track the information, as well as quickly send an email to the proper authorities to react to the call.


ResponderSMART, LLC

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