Household Acid-Base Lab by briani and kevin

k. Bactine: Clear watery substance that smells like bleach-pH 8-base. Barbecue sauce: Thick brown liquid substance that has a strong smell-pH 4-acid.
Cayenne hot drops: Watery red substance that smells strong -pH 3-acid . coffee: A light black watery substance-pH 6-acid
Hummingbird nectar: A light red liquid with a really bad smell-pH 2 Acid. Olive oil: a yellow thickish substance that has a citrus smell-pH 6-acid
Hyla Fragrance: Clear watery substance that smells like vicks chest rub-pH 6-acid
Soda (Sprite): Clear watery substance that smells like something fizzy-pH 4-acid
Shaving cream: A thick white foam with a strong smell-pH 7-base
Miracle grow plant food: Dark green liquid substance and it smells like a bathroom-pH 9-base
Aqua safe plus: A light yellow watery substance that has a light smell-pH 9-base
Imitation vanilla: A dark brown watery substance that has a sweet and really good smell pH 3-acid
pine-sol: A light purple watery substance that has a strong detergent smell-pH 10-base
School glue: White thick but also kind of liquidy-pH 6-acid
Coconut oil: A clear thick substance that has a fruity smell-pH 5-acid

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