Technology Literacy Narrative By Jesus velarde

Throughout my life technology has been around. I remember that my older brothers had pagers. Technology has obviously advanced way past those days and played an important role in my life because technology is a very important thing to have and know how to use these days. To me technology is a tool that is used to make everyday life easier and for entertainment.

Like I said, technology is everywhere I remember having to take computer classes in elementary school to learn how to type. The way they did it was smart because if the student finished the lesson early then they were allowed to play games like Oregon Trail. My first major piece of technology was the original Xbox. I received it as a Christmas gift when I was seven years old. From that moment on video games would be something for me to pass the time.

This image to shows the first gaming console that I received. This is the original Xbox that I got for Christmas which I mentioned in my story. This will be the first image that is put into my narrative because it is the first major piece of technology that I got. This image fits into my story because I talk about the Xbox and what we had to do in order to play with a large group of friends.

I remember first getting into video games when my brother would let me play Halo with him when I would go to his house. There would be times that he would have friends take another TV and we would system link the consoles so we could have eight people playing in the same game. This was before playing online was an option for me because we didn’t even have an internet connection at home at the time. Playing video games was my favorite thing to do after getting my Xbox.

I will use this image to show what it was like when we had to link up consoles so we could play with 8 people in the same game. This image is important for the reader to visualize what system linking looks like when I talk about it in my narrative. This will be the second image in my narrative after the original Xbox because it is when we did not have an internet connection and this was the best way to play with a large group of friends. With this way of playing there would be two consoles and two big screen TVs because each person’s screen would get cut so there could be 4 people playing on one TV.

When I was 13 I got my first cell phone which was an LG slide up phone. I was excited because all of my friends had already cell phones for years and I was finally able text people.

I will use this image because it is the first phone that I ever had and is talked about within my narrative. I talk about how this phone had various limitations when it came to its use because of a certain number of calls and texts. This phone didn’t have good internet connection and was very slow for that purpose.

Texting on the phone was funny because it was when you had to hit the same key multiple times to get a different letter. It took some getting used to but after that I was able to send texts while keeping my phone in my pocket. My phone was prepaid and only cost 30 dollars per month. There was a limit on how much I could use my phone, I only had 1,000 minutes and 1,000 texts per month which at the time would go by effortlessly. I also had to be careful not to be on my phone too much and keep up with my grades or else my parents would threaten to take my phone away.

Even though I was spending a lot of time talking and hanging out with friends, I would still play video games regularly except now I had a newer console in the Xbox 360 and an internet connection at home.

I chose this image because it is the Xbox 360 which is the first time that I was able to play online with my friends. This image makes sense because I specifically talk about this piece of technology in my narrative. This image fits because I talk about how the Xbox 360 paired with Xbox Live allowed me to play games online with my friends and people all around the world.

With the internet connection at home I was able to buy a subscription of Xbox Live which allowed me to play games online with my friends. Playing games online I was able to play games with people from all over the world instead of having the gatherings with my brother that we used to have just to play video games. Now I was talking to new people from the area that I was from and developed some new friendships by playing video games. However, the internet connection wasn't very good and whenever we received a phone call I would get kicked off of the internet and I would lose all of my progress.

I chose this image because it would pop up while playing Xbox whenever a call would come in. This happened because of how poor the connection was back in those days. It was a struggle to play online in the DSL days because a simple phone call would disconnect your game and possibly make you lose all of your progress.

As you can see, technology has had an impact on my life in a good way. It has allowed me to become more social because I could talk to more people through the different platforms that I had access to.


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