Westwood Sports Academy Rising to success while learning with joy and building our future.

Our Purpose


Our Colours & Mascot

The Black & Red Pirates

We have chosen the colours Red and Black. These two colours are both dominant colours. Red has a number of different associations. When it is the colour of fire, danger, and blood on one hand and love, and passion on the other. It is a bold, energetic and lively colour that can symbolize strength, confidence and power. Black is to be taken seriously. It represents power, luxury, sophistication and exclusivity on one hand and death, evil and mystery on the other. Black is bold, classic and not to be fooled with. We put these two colours together to symbolize strength, hard work, and power. Our Mascot is Pirates. "When a pirate’s flag was seen, it struck fear into the hearts of prospective victims. Many gave up as soon as they saw the flag." We like the symbolism the pirate gives us. Strength, Power, Fear.

Physical Features

Food Court

We provide a variety of food and beverage stands for the students and staff to choose. We serve everything from breakfast foods all the way to snack foods. We have also put in many sets of vending machines within the school varying from healthy snacks to junk food and also drinks. We try our hardest to make the students have a healthy lifestyle by choosing choice vegetables and fruits to serve through out the day.

Open Building

We gave the students a wide area to work and/or hang out. having the open building and windows is a great way to help the students learn and not be caved in small spaces and dark rooms for a long period of time. our classrooms have lots of windows and are very open. We find the students work extremely well when given the open space and natural light.


We have a variety of different labs from computer labs to science labs. Our high tech computer labs are filled with the best high end computers on the market. We provide science labs for the students and teachers stocked with everything you might need to work and also providing safety equipment.

Gym Facilities

Our school is a sports academy so we provide only the best high tech exercise equipment for our students to work out on. We have a huge gym area to run laps and play a sport, we also have individual rooms dedicated to different sports like a hockey room where you shoot pucks and practice your skills, or a dance studio with mirrors and any equipment you would need, etc.

Locker Rooms

having a high end locker room that looks fresh and clean and doesnt start to smell when you leave your gym clothes in there is something the students really appreciate. to keep our locker room sanitary and smell free we use an ozone generator which takes the stench away.


Teachers Responsibilities

To teach students in a way they can all understand, but not to be so strict on the studies and have some fun while teaching. For example if it's getting boring for the students and it's making them get off task have little brain breaks here and there to get them back in the mood to learn something.

Extra-Curricular Involvement

They should be available to work with students on work they haven't finished or don't understand, be involved with the school like they coach a team or run the canteen etc. the teachers run their own extra curricular activity after school such as opening up the work out room and the sports rooms, or teaching or coaching a sport. We have a variety of clubs that the teachers do run on their own.

Attitude (subjects)

the teachers would have to have a passion for teaching. They should have a great attitude about their subject to be able to help the students when they need it. Also we find that when the teachers have a great attitude towards their subject the students tend to learn better.

Attitude (Students)

They should have a healthy and fun relationship between students. There should always be respect and positivity towards the students. If the students show the respect towards the teachers the students shall gain respect from their teachers. They should be considerate of students learning and help out as much as they can.


We have the students evaluate the teachers they learn from. When this time comes around we hand out an anonymous servey where the students evaluate how well or how badly they think their instructors are teaching. This really helps out the teachers so they can teach better and get a better view on how students like to be taught.

Behaviour of students

Code of conduct

  1. High expectations for all students to get their work done and handed in on time.
  2. Students are to respect others personal property of those in the school, as well as respecting the building and the environment around it.
  3. Students are not to use disrespectful or negative behaviour towards staff and students within or around the school community.
  4. We do not tolerate any sort of relation towards negativity within the school: NO ALCOHOL, NO DRUGS, NO SMOKING, NO WEPONS, NO GANGS, NO PROFANITY.
  5. Students are required to do their own work and not to cheat or plagiarize other people's work.
  6. Students must be joined into an extra curricular activity or a sport and must be passing all classes or there will be consequences set until the student raises his/her grades.
  7. Students should wear appropriate attire for school: No drugs, No alcohol, No profanity.
  8. We do not tolerate bullying, assaulting, harassing, intimidating, or threatening another individual or group of any sort
  9. Students are to use school laptops and computers appropriately
  10. Students are to immediately report to a teacher or principal of any instance of bullying or harassment

Student decisions

Students have the ability to control a variety of different decisions as well as activities within the school. Students have an influence over decisions that do have an affect on them. We find the students have a better attitude about the school when they are involved as well. We give the students roles within their school life to gain leadership and trust from other students. We give the students a chance to lead a sport or an extracurricular activity which will be supervised by a teacher. We have the option of students joining the SRC which is a group of students who come together and make decisions that they think will make the school a better place to learn and have fun


Required courses

  1. Science - You need your sciences to get into a lot of good career courses in university, such as medical school. We provide different courses of sciences you can take such as: science 9 - 30, Life sciences, anatomy, biology, etc. We require the students to learn about the Earth and how everything you see got to where it is.
  2. Mathematics - You do use math in your everyday life which helps you succeed in any of the jobs you have whether its working as a cashier or working at the bank you need to have knowledge of mathematics.
  3. English - It is important for students to learn how to spell and read while using proper grammar. Students who learn how to read and write are successful in their everyday life due to getting good jobs from writing and/or reading.
  4. Personal Fitness - Personal fitness in this school is required to become a healthy and strong person. Since we are a Sports academy we manage to get students to work out at least once a day. Fitness is a key element to stay healthy naturally.
  5. Social Studies/Native Studies - When you are learning about your past, whether its the past of the Europeans or the First Nations, you gain more acknowledgment towards the world we live in today.

Elective Courses

  1. PAA/Fine Arts - This provides learners with non-academic benefits such as promoting self-esteem, motivation, cultural exposure, creativity, and improved emotional expression. Whether you like to build a table out of wood, fix a car, or draw, etc. We give you the opportunity to do what you find fun. We have a variety of different courses to take that could spark up an interest for you.
  2. Preforming Arts - Involvement in the arts is accompanied with gains in math, reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skill. Preforming Arts learning can also improve motivation, concentration, confidence, and teamwork.
  3. Foreign Language -Learning a new language can be a part of your preparation for University. Being able to speak a foreign language, especially an in demand language like Chinese, Arabic, or Spanish, and having experience with a different culture looks good on any application.
  4. Business - This can be helpful in practically any job students wish to pursue, and can help all students entering into a world in which they no longer have their parents doing everything for them financially.

Our Environment

New Students

We make 100% sure that when a new student walks into this school, they feel a sense of acceptance because we do not tolerate bullying or harassment of any kind. If there is any type of bullying or harassment there will be consequences set. They get a quick sense of relief due to the open environment. Students have a mind set to work as hard as they possibly can whether its in their education or their sports when they enter the school. They come into this school with no judgement and no criticism from anyone.


Students at this school are engaged because we have great programs and clubs to join and/or be apart of. We provide a safe and caring place for them to stay and study or practice their sports. We have a variety of sport teams to join and games to come support and watch. We let the students have their own choice when it comes to engaging in a sport. No student should be afraid to voice their opinion or engage in something they truly love doing.


preparing for the future that students want

We strive high in this school we try our very best to make the students become prepared for the future they wish to pursue. We provide the knowledge they need to become who they want. We want our students to leave the school ready to do anything that university or college provides to them. We want the very best for our students.

Being Challenged

We find students work 10x harder when they are given a challenge. The harder you work the better you'll become. We always want to hear our students setting exceeding goals for themselves. Students here are always coming out of their comfort zone to achieve higher goals and excel in their life due to us challenging the students.

Opportunities for classes

We provide a huge range of classes you can choose from. We always encourage students to choose a class because they need it for post secondary or because they still are figuring out what they want to do in the future. When the students are limited to courses they can take makes it hard on them to know what they need and/or want to do for the future so we provide many choices for them.


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