Who are we
The overall objectives of our lab are-
Identifying structure and function relationships between bacterial proteins that are involved in iron uptake/piracy Identifying reaction mechanisms involved during the different steps of bacterial iron uptake. To achieve these two overarching goals, we employ standard biochemical methods which require us to learn and understand- different steps involved in gene cloning and recombinant protein expression + purification validation of steps during protein purification protein-ligand interactions using ITC, DSC, UV-vis, CD, fluorescence, CV, mass spectrometry, etc. organic synthesis and structure elucidation using NMR, UV-vis, ESI-MS, IR, etc. As we use such diverse methods, I advise undergraduate students to start learning about a couple of methods at a time and learn them in-depth, that is, not only how to run the instruments, but why those instruments were chosen to answer the research question in hand and the theory and practical basis of data analysis etc. To be able to provide tailored mentorship to a diverse student body, I expect and appreciate when students-a) communicate clearly what are their boundaries so that I do not have to keep guessing, b) what type of mentorship they need from me (just professional guiding, professional guiding + some friendly communications, etc.), and c) that students take ownership of their projects, their success and failures That they show interest and dedication towards the research ethics and the research enterprise
For our full publication list go HERE
Who is Banerjee?
Sambuddha is from Calcutta, India. After finishing Ph.D. in Bioinorganic Chemistry from Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India, Sambuddha moved to Turtle Island as a Postdoc in Duke University at Prof. Crumbliss's lab. During this time Sambuddha worked in various biochemistry projects, namely characterizing the iron-siderophore binding protein from Bordetella and Fe(III) transport membrane protein TbpA from Neisseria, and various Hemoglobin projects. They moved to Calgary, Canada to learn Protein solution NMR structure. During this same time Sambuddha got involved with the queer activism in Calgary and facilitated several workshops on Intersectionality and support groups for queer refugees. Till date Sambuddha is passionate about social justice issues and equity work. After finishing two postdoctoral research positions, Sambuddha went back to India for a year and worked at Amity University, Kolkata as an Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry. In 2017, Sambuddha returned to NC as Teaching assistant professor at East Carolina University, Department of Chemistry. In addition to chemistry, Sambuddha is interested in cooking and sharing food, making art, activism, and creative writing.
How to get involved?
Research has shown that doing research as an undergraduate student helps in developing a STEM identity. The development of STEM identity has been associated with a higher retention rate of students in the STEM discipline (that is, students who do undergraduate research and develop STEM identity are more likely to continue and finish their STEM degree). The importance of the development of the STEM identity and student retention in STEM is highly correlated for women, underrepresented minorities (African American, Hispanic/LatinX/Native American), and LGBTQ+ students in STEM. With these in mind, we are committed to providing an equitable and accessible entry for students in the STEM research field. Currently, students in our lab can either join as apprentices or undergraduate researchers with their own projects. As an apprentice, students are introduced to all projects in the lab, they read papers, come to meetings, and by participating in discussions with others, develop their scientific socializing skills. As an apprentice, there is no future commitment required from these students and they evaluate and readjust their learning outcomes at the end of each semester in conversation with Banerjee. Apprentices who want to continue with our lab as undergraduate researchers receive their independent projects and conduct their own research projects, apply for URCA and other awards and participate in local, regional, and national conferences, and participate in manuscript preparation. If you are interested in joining our lab, please feel free to email Banerjee (banerjees17@ecu.edu) or stop by their office (Science and Technology Building, room 409).
Conference presentations
Recent publications:
(For Banerjee's full publication list please visit: https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=bDk18LoAAAAJ&hl=en)
S. Banerjee, A. Kerkan, K. Hart. Notes of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) data reported in “New insights into the mechanism of iron transport through the bacterial Ftr system present in pathogens” for recombinant wild-type RgFtrB. 2024 (under review). FEBS J.
J. Barnes, S. Banerjee, C. Chambers. Shining light on Black STEM students’ experiences in a PWI using critical race theory, intersectionality, and postmodern theory. 2024 (under review). Stacks J.
U. Swamy, E. Moore, E. Lebeau, S. Banerjee, L. Frost, J. Moro, M. Patrick, G. Cartmill, T. Moore, R. O’Hara. (2024) Making Chemistry Authentic, Equity-Focused Strategies in the Classroom. Pearson Education.
S. Banerjee, M. A. C. Reyes. 2024. Reply to Comment on: "A Special Topic Class in Chemistry on Feminism and Science as a Tool to Disrupt the Dysconcious Racism in STEM". J. Chem. Ed.,101,
M. A. Reyes, S. Banerjee, J. Hall, Y. Odeh, A. Garcia, A. Benton, A. Moffett, A. McCunney, D. Bose. (2022) A special topic class in chemistry on feminism and science as a tool to disrupt the dysconcious racism in STEM. J. Chem. Ed. (under revision).
S. Banerjee, M. N. Chanakira, J. Hall, A. Kerkan, S. Dasgupta, D. W. Martin. (2022) A review on bacterial redox dependent iron transporters and their evolutionary relationship. J. Inorg. Biochem.(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2022.111721)
S. Banerjee, R. J. Garrigues, M. N. Chanakira, J. J. Negron-Olivo, Y. H. Odeh, A. M. Spuches, R. M. Roop II, J. E. Pitzer, D. W. Martin, S. Dasgupta. (2020) Investigating the roles of the conserved Cu2+-binding residues on Brucella FtrA in producing conformational stability and functionality. J. Inorg. Biochem. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2020.111162).
A. L. Crumbliss, S. Banerjee. (2021, Accepted) A perspective essay on the use of Ga3+ as a proxy for Fe3+ in bioinorganic model studies and its successful use for therapeutic purposes. J. Inorg Biochem.
Land acknowledgement
We acknowledge the Tuscarora people, who are the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and live, and recognize their continuing connection to the land, water, and air that Greenville consumes. We pay respect to eight recognized tribes; Coharie, Eastern Band of Cherokee, Haliwa-Saponi, Lumbee, Meherrin, Occaneechi Band of Saponi, Sappony, and Waccamaw-Siouan, all Nations, and their elders past, present, and emerging.
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