

来源 Committe on the Present Danger: China, Jan. 17, 2020


编者按格蘭特·紐瑟姆(Grant Newsham)是東京日本戰略研究論壇的高級研究員,在日本及亞洲其他地區擔任美國外交官,企業高管和美國海軍陸戰隊軍官,已有20多年的經驗。

格蘭特·紐瑟姆(Grant Newsham)連續三天在亞洲時報發表了其對台海戰爭的可能性做了精闢分析,肯定台灣海峽的戰爭不但可能發生,還會升級與擴大,並會對社會,商業活動,經濟方面以及整個全球結構產生有害影響。文中並提出了可能的解決方案:




美國當前危機處理委員會的吉姆·範內爾(Jim Fannel)在當委會的blog上對此文極力推薦,並希望這三篇文章能在台灣和美國廣傳。


Retired U.S. Navy Capt. James Fanell, Director, Intelligence and Information Operations U.S. NAVY FILE PHOTO

Jim Fanell’s Note: Here is Grant Newsham’s concluding article in his three part series about a Taiwan Strait war. In this piece Grant tells the truth: we, the USA, have aided and abetted Beijing’s rise and their threat to global security. He lays out three recommendations, the first of which is most crucial: admit to yourself that the PRC will use military force to take Taiwan. On this topic, I happened to be speaking with a representative of Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council today and made this exact argument. It is my experience that the people of Taiwan do not really believe that Beijing would use military force to unify the island with the mainland. I encouraged the Tsai administration to conduct a poll of the Taiwanese people over the question of “Do you believe the PRC will use military force to take Taiwan?”. There is a precedent for this kind of poll as in 2019 the Tsai administration conduced a poll of the Taiwan people regarding their perceptions of “One Country, Two Systems.” In early 2019 the results were some 55% were against it, but by the end of 2019 that number jumped to 90%. The point being, until the people of Taiwan understand that the¬¬y either do or do not believe in this threat, the Taiwan government can never really get around to confronting this belief and more properly educating the people about the seriousness of the threat. Bottom line: Well done to Grant Newsham for providing these three articles, I hope they are being widely read on the island, and in Washington.

吉姆·範內爾(Jim Fannel)記事:這是格蘭特·紐瑟姆(Grant Newsham)在他有關台海戰爭系列的總結文。格蘭特在這篇文章中道出真相:我們美國,協助了北京的崛起及其對全球安全的威脅。他提出了三項建議,其中第一項也是最關鍵的:承認中共國將使用軍事武力佔領台灣的事實。關於這個話題,我今天與台灣大陸事務委員會的代表交談中,提出了相同的論調。根據我的經驗,台灣人民並不相信北京會使用軍事武力來統一台灣與中共國。我鼓勵蔡政府就“您是否相信中共國會使用軍事武力佔領台灣?”的問題對台灣人民進行民意調查。這種民意調查有先例可循,因為蔡政府在2019年提出了一項民意調查,關於台灣人對“一個國家,兩個制度”的看法。2019年初,大約有55%的人反對。但是到2019年底,這一數字躍升到90%。台灣知道,不管他們相信或不相信這種威脅的存在,台灣政府知道,他們永遠無法真正逃避這個威脅,也無法正確地向台灣人宣傳這種威脅的嚴重性。感謝Grant Newsham的這三篇文章,希望它們能在台灣島上和美國華盛頓廣傳。

吉姆·範內爾(Jim Fannel)是前美國海軍情報官員,負責太平洋安全事務。


  1. 台灣海峽的戰爭並非只在想像中 【原文鏈接
  2. 台灣戰爭:全球經濟與心理傷害 【原文鏈接
  3. 如何避免台海戰爭 【翻譯文鏈接
