Zoe Gutierrez principals of business

January 5

How was your holiday and what did you do?

My holiday was great, i hung out with my friends and whatnot. I went to a couple of partys. I stayed at Aris house with Mac, Collin, Prudy, Jacob and the rest of the dogs. These parrtys were pretty lit and stuff. I had a blast.. literally. I HUNG WITH COLLIN TOO LIKE OMG I CRY!! Oh and i got fat.

January 10

Does writing help you express your feelings?

Yes, because your letting everything out that you cant explain when talking. Sometimes people cant say how they feel so they need to write it. Alot of people show differently some my like writing their feelings and some may not.

January 12

What dream can you co

January 13

What are you doing this weekend?

I am going to a friends house and stuff. I am gonna go to a couple of different parties with my senior and junior friends!!

January 19

Have you ever "passed on a kindness"?

Yes, once my mom gave me money so i can go get this thing that i always wanted. My mom gave me about $45 and it was very cold out and there was this homeless man. I went in the store and i was gonna buy my bag thing, but instead i came out with three jackets and two blankets. I gave them to the poor man and he thanked me many times from the bottom of his heart.

January 24

Who is your biggest fan?

LO to the freaking L all my haters duh. im so excited to see who tryna hate me next, alot of people hate me, so whats one more?


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