Chinese/Japanese Railroad Workers By: Lauren, Kelsey, and ashley

The Chinese exclusion act suspended the immigrants no matter how skilled for 10 years. Most immigrants came from the Fujian Providence. By agreeing to lower wages, they worked in the roughest conditions, laying tracks down in the west.

They used unsafe equipment, tunnels were barely lit, there was little oxygen, and rough weather. The gangs were separate from other workers. Normally they consisted of groups of 20 men with at least 1 wage collecter, and 1 cook.

The Chinese workers received $26 a month, and had to buy their own food. While the Irish were paid $35 a month and received meals. The Chinese had more dangerous work, yet were paid less. So they went on strike in 1867 and demanded they be paid more. But the government instead cut off their food supply, although the Chinese didn't give in.

When Japanese immigrants first arrived, they ventured to Hawaii where they then immigrated to the mainland. They worked on sugar plantations until they decided they wanted to work on the mainland. When they first moved there they were faced with dry land on the mainland.

The Japanese and Asians were in separate schools in California. The Japanese protested because it was an issue that threatened an international crisis.

The gentleman's agreement was an agreement between President Roosevelt and Japan. It stopped Japanese workers from entering the United States.


Created with images by Imahinasyon Photography - "金閣寺 / Temple of the Golden Pavilion" • Loco Steve - "Chinese Iron Rail Workers Tribute : ( 2 Views)" • Shaun Merritt - "Memorial to Commemorate the Chinese Railroad Workers in Canada by Eldon Garnet and Francis LeBouthillier" • image4you - "euro coins currency" • Boston Public Library - "Cutting the sugar cane, Porto Rico" • Kanko* - "New Year calligraphy / 書初め" • Political Graveyard - "Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919)"

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