The Story of Me By Tanner Rumney

I was born in Charleston, South Carolina where one of my favorite things was having my family visit. My grandparents and cousins would drive down from Greenville, South Carolina a couple times each summer to spend long vacations at my grandparents Kiawah beach house together!

Now that we are all older, we don't get to see each other as much as we used to. My brother, Clemson graduate of 2013, moved to Memphis for his job and I went to college. This was our family trip to the Carolina Panthers versus the New England Patriots game two seasons ago!

My parents mean everything to me and have given me everything I could need and more! My mother was born in Greenville, South Carolina but raised in Walterboro and my father was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma but raised in Greenville. This photo shows my 4th and last parents cocktail, this year.

My 4 seasons with Clemson Football have definitely been my favorite part of being a Clemson Tiger! I could not have asked for a better season for my last season here at Clemson.

The greatest moment of my life (along with 80,000+ of my closest friends' lives too ;) )

I couldn't ask for better friends!

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