Food Allergies in our Classroom By anna Jackson

Food allergies are very serious and in our classroom we take it seriously.

What are food allergies? Watch the video below so that you can understand what they are.

Food Allergies can be FATAL- Children with food allergies can have severe and even fatal reactions from trace amounts of allergens.

May Contain- Any food can be an allergen, a product can be processed on lines with potent allergens like peanuts or tree nuts.

Sticky Fingers- To you, a classroom party is all about fun but, for your classmate it can be dangerous full of unsafe treats, with twenty students with sticky fingers contaminating everything in the classroom. If your classmate doesn’t mistakenly eat an allergenic food, there is still a risk of him putting a trace amount into his mouth or eyes which can cause a reaction.

Do the Math- Up to 79 percent of allergic reactions in school requiring epinephrine occur in the classroom.

There is No Cure. There is an emergency medicine –epinephrine. (Epi-Pen ®) This is not the same as taking aspirin for a headache. This is medicine to save a life and after administering the Epi-Pen our classmate must be transported to the emergency room.

Below is an example of a student and how food allergies affect him and steps to take if he starts to get sick.


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