Chinese Immigrants/ Railroad Workers By: Logan Mahon, Evan McGeorge, and Joey Hennessy

Where did these People Come from?

Most of the Chinese immigrants came from South Eastern China. Most families sent their strongest men to work at a rumored place called Gum Sham (mountain of gold). However an average man gave up after 5 years of mining and took of jobs such as laborers, domestic workers, and fishermen.


The Chinese men who came over created bachelor communities in which they practiced their religion and other cultural aspects such as games, holidays, and traditional dress

Chinese Railroad Workers

A lot of Chinese men who were immigrants, ended up working on the railroads due to their impressive work. Some of the dangers came from their jobs, they would be making tunnels and there is always the possibility that the tunnels could collapse. Once the amount of Chinese immigrants grew, the government was concerned that they would believe that they are equal to white men, so the Chinese were given laws restricting them from doing certain things and limited their opportunities. The Chinese workers were ordered into gangs of 20 with one white foreman. As construction got more difficult the size of the groups got larger.


The Chinese received less pay than the white men working with them. They received 30$ a month, without food and housing included. While the white men received $35 a month and housing. The Chinese went on strike because they were not satisfied with their pay. Chinese workers went on strike all across the line and demanded $40 a month instead of thirty, reduction in hours (no more then 10 hours), and shorter shifts in the tunnels. They were then threatened into losing their jobs before their demands were considered. They then asked for $45. The leaders of the railroad then cut off food and supply lines to the camps causing some workers to return to work. Eventually they all returned when armed white men, who were hired by the owners of the railroad, intimidated them into working again.


Created with images by ralphrepo - "Toy Vendor, Chinatown, San Francisco [c1900s] Arnold Genthe [RESTORED]"

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