Writing a Narrative A Story about YOU!

What is a narrative?

A Story

What is a Personal Narrative?

A Story about YOU!

How will you use questions to help you write your Narrative?

What elements do you need in order to write a GREAT Narrative?


Who is the story about?

Remember: A Personal Narrative is a story about YOU!

Your narrative can also include: Grandpa or Grandma, Mom or Dad, Sister or Brother, or even Friends

What else do you need to write a Narrative?

Setting: Where and When did the story took place

A Beach at sunrise

Now that you have your characters (WHO: people) and your setting (WHEN/WHERE: place/time), what else do you need?

Events: things that happened in the story (WHAT)

But be careful, it is not just what happened that is important but . . .

be sure to write the Events in the order they happened.

After you write WHO the narrative is about, WHERE and WHEN it took place, and Sequenced your Events (WHAT happened in order), How will you conclude your story?

Make sure you close or end your Narrative well

Explain what you have learned and, or how you felt

So let's review.

What does a Great Narrative need?

Character(s): WHO the story is about

Setting: WHERE and WHEN it happened

Sequence of Events (WHAT Happened in Order)

Helpful words for putting events in order: First, Next, Then, Last

Be sure to end your Narrative with . . .

WHAT you learned and/or HOW you felt.

You are Awesome Writers!

Created By
Susan Lyon


Created with images by patrykdzido - "pen office fountain pens" • Pexels - "blur bokeh book" • Gilmanshin - "girl young pretty" • cambodia4kidsorg - "Mom" • cambodia4kidsorg - "Dad" • cambodia4kidsorg - "Dad" • PublicDomainPictures - "baby boy child" • chick in heels - "sisters" • swruler9284 - "IMG_8277.JPG" • Ahsan Saeed - "Friends Forever" • dassel - "disneyland paris disneyland paris" • Moyan_Brenn - "Hiking" • DanLoaTmba - "Girraween camping" • Katelyn Fay - "swim" • stevendepolo - "Pinata Birthday Party 9-5-09 12" • SiNoMo - "sea sunset beach" • istolethetv - "thumbnail" • Lyn Lomasi - "Kids playing dress-up at a children's fai" • Scott & Elaine van der Chijs - ""Trick or Treat" in our compound" • rattler97 - "2008-Oct-30 Trick or treat 005" • PersonalCreations.com - "Kids fishing for apples in a metal tub and a pumpkin pail" • PersonalCreations.com - "Halloween Boo-ling and a pumpkin pail" • Sean MacEntee - "Candy" • Accretion Disc - "Halloween Candy" • Alexas_Fotos - "smiley laugh sneakers" • geralt - "primate monkey orang utan" • Zyada - "Boy" • Schmid-Reportagen - "girl kambotscha child"

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