Musée Picasso Cassady Copas and ale Sayers

The place the museum is housed, Hôtel Salé, was built by Jean de Bouiller between 1656 and 1659. Musée Picasso opened in Paris in 1985.

Musée Picasso open hours
Pixelated picture of the inside of the museum

The museum is famous for displaying Pablo Picasso's artwork. At the museum you can see sculptures, paintings, and engravings, and on the top floor, some of Picasso's best/favorite artwork. There is also a gift shop to linger around in.

5 Rue de Thorigny, 75003 Paris, France


The museum went through renovations prior to its opening, and went through major renovations in 2009. Due to setbacks it did not open again until 2014.


Before being used as the Picasso museum the Hôtel Salé was already a well-known building as it had been leased to the ambassador of Venice, and had also been the Central School of Art and Manufacture.

Here's a few extra photos of the museum!!!

Created By
Ale Sayers and Cassady Copas

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