Industry Trends Digital Advertising Agencies in the U.S.

Profit and Growth Margins are Impressive
There are lucrative opportunities in digital marketing. In 2015, it had a revenue of $13.6 billion and made a profit of $3 billion. That is a lot of money floating around in this industry. The growth rate is also high. The previous growth rate was at an astonishing 12.2% with the future growth rate at 3.3%.
Top Companies Are Making Some Serious Money
One of the top companies in this field is WPP PLC. They now control 20% of the market share. In 2015, it was estimated that they had a profit of $2.7 billion in one fiscal year. One reason they became so successful is because they had bought other companies. Some of these are Ogilvy Group, JWT and Young & Rubicam.
Retail Dominates the Field
As expected, the retail market uses the most out of advertising. They make up for 22% of the $13.6 billion revenue in the digital advertising field. A lot of the retail markets success is based on the fact that people are shopping online more than ever.


  • Turk, S. (n.d.). Digital Advertising Agencies in the US (pp. 1-30, Rep.). IBIS World. Retrieved December 1, 2016, from
  • WPP Logo [digital image]. Retrieved from
  • (2015, February 10) Working Woman Person Technology [digital image]. Retrieved from
  • (2016, November 3) Application Contemporary Desk Device [digital image] Retrieved from

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