Tarzan by: brayan cruz

Summary of movie following his parents death in Africa john Clayton has been be raised by an ape was known by the name Tarzan but eventually left Africa.
Who is your favorite character and why My favorite character is Tarzan because he is very Stron and helps at all time
Did you like this movie ? why or why not? I really liked this movie because it is very entertaining an also has interesting episodes.

who would you recommend this movie to and why i would recommend this movie to my friends to see somethings very atractive


Created with images by PublicDomainPictures - "road forest trees" • jemandtheholograms26 - "tarzan" • HarshLight - "Tarzan's Treehouse" • Roller Coaster Philosophy - "Disneyland" • cdrummbks - "son of tarzan"

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