National Shopping Day Made by: Erica Weeks

My national holiday would be "Shopping Day". I picked that because it would be on July 20, it's warm and everybody normally likes to get new clothes for the summer. Every store would have to be 50% off. If people had to work they only go a half day and someone else would have to go in because the other worker already went shopping. This gives everyone to get low prices on anything they like.

Most people never have time to shop, this day would allow them to get all there shopping done.

I believe this should be a day because people never have time to go out and get whatever they need. On this day most people would either get clothes, shoes, or stuff for there house with low prices. Most people don't buy stuff they never have time time, this day would fix that. Everybody would have a half day. The day before would be shopping day eve., that's the day to get gift for people for any store they like.

If you have a gift card for the store your at you get 75% off.
Prices are expensive so 50% off on everything would help a lot of people.

Most people shop for 85 minutes and only spend 75 dollars. On this day you can shop for 85 minutes and spend 75$ and get more stuff then normal.

My national holiday would be on July 20.

All stores would be open from 7am to 1am. That allows everyone to have a time to shop.

On average it takes 5 different trips to get to get whatever you neeed because the prices are high. Since the prices are low you can go to the store and get everything you need in one day. There's less trips and you save money.

On Shopping Day Eve. you could buy people shopping gift cards for there favorite store or stores.


Created with images by PublicDomainPictures - "buying customer cute" • Diario Critico Venezuela - "US-ECONOMY-BLACK FRIDAY" • KRiemer - "vouchers gift gift voucher" • wachovia_138 - "Alpena Mall" • planeta - "Free Download: Oaxaca Calendar July 2012 made with @bighugelabs" • byzantiumbooks - "open neon" • MichaelGaida - "shopping cart shopping supermarket"

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