Pain By sorie

Pain I see you in a homeless person

Pain your friends with suffering

Pain you're at my school

Pain you like to hang out with my emotions

Without you your daughter joy wouldn't exist

Pain I see in my friend eyes after we loses

Pain you're with me when I remember my birth parents

Pain you like to be with my knees after basketball

Pain you're with me on father's day

Pain you put a lock on my confidence

Without you life will be dull

Pain you keep children safe

Pain you alert us when something is wrong


I am judge because

Of my skin

It might be better

If i was finn

And white

I don't like to fight

I just want to

Do whats right

There's a hay stack

Three kids standing back

They barely how to talk

One can't even walk

There food supplies came

In small rations

Was adopted by a woman with


Donald trump is a the new president

He wasn't hesitant

He speaks his mind

Most of it isn't kind

He won the south

Without a lock on his mouth


Created with images by P.C.P - ".:: Pain ::." • cogdogblog - "Be Without It" • TaniaVdB - "baby tears small child" • Pug50 - "Locked" • Luke Hayfield Photography - "ALERT." • WenPhotos - "orphan africa african" • WenPhotos - "orphan africa african" • DHuiz - "Trump Tower"

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