New York's History greatest place to explore

New York is a very amazing place. People go and visit a lot in the summer. It was the home of the Twin Towers and were the tragic moment that shocked everyone in the world. Most of the population In New York are Puerto Ricans and Dominicans that migrate there. Also, Manhattan is the Heart of the Big Apple. It provides the empire state building and its bordered by Harlem, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and you have to cross the bridge to go to Times Square. Also New York iIs a city that is known for Times Square and its central park.

Central Park famous in New York

While doing this research for my project I learned that Dutch settled among the Hudson River and then later on established the Colony of New Amsterdam in Manhattan. Also, New york was a very important colony for the natives and their fur trade. Later on during that period of time around 300 people lived when the settlement moved to Manhattan.

new york before and after

I learned that New York’s history is very big because of its history. New York outlawed slavery and that The Statue Of Liberty was an honored gift from france for the Declaration Of Independence. Also, in 1773 the World Trade Center was completed and the twin towers were the tallest buildings in New York City. A lot of people play basketball at Rucker Park where a few NBA stars played at like Kevin Durant and Kobe Bryant. Mostly Basketball is the most common sport in New York.

Rucker park where people go and play basketball
the statue of liberty


Created with images by EvelynSchmidt - "new york manhattan places of interest" • Ronile - "statue of liberty new york ny"

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