Digital Portfolio By: Nate. The images used are for educational purposes only

Filters: oil paint, motion blur, distort: pinch Bevel & Emboss
Tools: Stamp Tool Liquify Hue/saturation for teeth motion Blur
Tools: Text, Blue Drop Shadow layers, add noiser, bevel, eraser, vertical text
Tools: layers, Stamp, Hue/ saturation smudge blur feather
Tools: Links:

"Five Attitudes that are Important in the Workplace” key points

Respect - Employees should also have a respectful attitude when interacting with clients, management and customers as well as co-workers.

Pridefulness - most employees who have a prideful attitude about their work tend to work harder to excel.

Commitment - Small businesses need employees who are not only committed to the goals and initiatives that affect the bottom line, but who also are committed to their particular positions.

Innovation - Small businesses need employees who can think outside of the box and innovate new ways to accomplish existing tasks and approach goals.

Helpfulness - The more helpful an attitude employees have, the more people want to be around them at work and the more willing they are to partner with those employees on key projects and initiatives

Adobe Bridge Summary

Adobe Bridge is a partner program to Adobe Photoshop and it is often called “a digital asset manager”. This is because it is used to organize, manage, and find images in our portfolios. It is not only a partner to Photoshop, but to every Adobe program in the Creative Cloud as well. Because of these many partnerships, one can use Adobe Bridge to manage files from Adobe Illustrator files, InDesign files, videos, and other file types that are used with various Adobe programs. In basic form, Adobe Bridge is a browser, such as Google Chrome of Firefox. The most helpful thing that you can use with Adobe Bridge is the sort order feature, because we can sort the files in so many ways, including by “file name, or by file type, by the date each file was created or modified, by file size or dimensions, by star rating (more on that later), or some other criteria, including our own manual sort order.”

Make It Easy to Read from a distance
Include one Big Visual
"Why Take PC Graphics?" - Tools: Text, Layers, Bevel & Emboss, Outer glow, shadows.
Attitude Poster Second Iteration. Tools: Bevel & Emboss, shadows, Layers, Text, Inner Glow
Ingredients For Success: Tools: Layers, Text
Attitude Poster First Iteration. Tools: shadows, Layers, Text, Inner Glow
Tools: Liquify Credit to Miss Alexander
Hornet Before & After: Tools: B&W Mask, Paint Brush, Magic Wand, credit To
Tools: Lasso tool, Hue/ Saturation layer
Tools: Stamp tool and Healing brush tool
Tools: Layers, Liquefy, Bevel & Emboss, Transparency, Outer & Inner Glow
Tools: Replace color, Layers, Liquefy, Transparency Links:,d.cGc&psig=AFQjCNGyQdjIFEAnnOdDMDIn4GLaHpOiXQ&ust=1481299446923469
Tools: Brushes, Eyedropper, Color Mode,d.cGc&psig=AFQjCNE2Ks7xdMyc37DoQbwt-mbYRVnMdA&ust=1481213897701250
Tools: Replace color, Layers, Liquefy, Transparency Links:
Tools: Layers, Liquefy, Bevel & Emboss, Transparency, Outer & Inner Glow
Unit B: Tools: Magic wand, Hue/ Saturation, Eyedropper Tool
Unit A: Tools: crop
Unit D: Tools: Brighten, Contrast, Hue/Saturation
Unit C: Tools: Layers, text, blur, add noise, lens flare, outer glow, transparency
Unit H: Tools: Healing Brush, Stamp tool
Unit F: Tools: Gradient, Replace color, Hue/Saturation
Unit E: Tools: Gradient, Text.
Unit G: Tools: Multiply color, Layers, Paint Brush.

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