Tax Prep and Book Keeping Kimberly Martinez


I want to be a tax prep and book keepingĀ in 4 years from now. After I graduate from college.


My goal is measurable because with enough time I can accomplish my dream goal.


I will work hard in school to be able to pass all my classes and get my bachelor's degree in business. I will get my company permit, tax ID, and any other permit I might also need. I will work from there to get everything necessary for me to get my business going, like thinking where I will be located at, how I will get the money to start my business off, etc. I will just do everything necessary for me to get business going for the long run.


It is realistic because I'm giving myself enough time to get things done. I will have my business degree to start my plan with.


What I want to do is timely because I'm giving myself 4 to 5 years to get it done.


Created with images by seier+seier - "interior. hans christian hansen, architect: tagensbo kirke / church, copenhagen 1966-1970."

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