App Journal Gaston Sanchez avila A01570178

Lesson 1

Facebook: i download it to check my social profile, the purpose is that family and friends that aren't close can see what the other person is doing

Twitter: I download to check what the other people think about many situations, the purpose is to the people express themselves

Whatsapp: I used to talk with my friends and family, the purpose is to communicate with your friends and family

Snapchat: I download to send photos and chat with my friends, the purpose is to send every kind of photos to your friends

Instagram: I download it to my family and my friends see my photos, the purpose is to show your great photos

Lesson 2



Lesson 3



Mercado Libre: I think this app is for Adults and Teenagers because the kids are not gonna know how to buy, the people that download this app are people that know how to spend his money

Netflix: this app is for everyone and the people that download it are people that loves to watch series and movies

Spotify: this app is for everyone because there is music for persons for all ages and this is an app for music lovers

Google Maps: the app is for teenagers and adults and it is for the people that don't know the place they are

Playkids: this is a series of apps for kids and it is to the kids that loves to play games and learn at the same time

Lesson 4


App Dive

Rank UI Design:

1- Whatsapp

2- Twitter

3- Facebook

4- Instagram

5- Snapchat

for me the easier app tu use is Whatsapp because it doesn´t have a lot of features and it is easy to send messages and photos

Some apps are more difficult to use because it have different features like Instagram is for upload photos and snapchat too, Facebook is to watch photos, status and chat with friends and Whatsapp is only to chat and send photos

Lesson 5


Problem Hunters

Im not using a exactly idea from my brainstorm but I base myself with some ideas for example de first idea about making bets with my friends because in the app we are making we can search partys and see in what party my friends are, this app solve so many problems of teenagers

this app is gonna be so popular because solve the important problem from the teenagers in the weekends that is searching a party, nowadays the people search a place to have fun with your friends

Lesson 6


Ideas Seeking Solutions

My app will: search partys and reunions to the teenagers

Because: the teenagers from now they are always searching a place to go, they don´t care where it is or who´s house it is

Lesson 7



I my app is used Wi-Fi, in my app there are so many features but not big feature like the accelerometer or like in the HealthKit that you use a bracelet to check if your healthy but we use the Handoff for the parties and the users

Lesson 8


idea storm... again



do your research

there is many apps that is a competition for our app, but there is one app that is almost like our app but it is for United States

Turnn: in this app there is local events where you can go, the reviews are bad because the people don't upload a lot of parties, this thing of the parties with cover and foe everyone is more for Mexico

Lesson 10



Clarity: mi app sera muy sencilla de observar y checar los distintos detalles en la aplicacion

Deference: la app sera muy rapida de usar al momento de abrirla ya puedes realizar rapidamente buscar la fiesta y te aparecera la direccion

Lesson 11

¿Qué apps tienen iconos atractivos? ¿Qué los hace atractivos?

la mas atractiva para mi es instagram, ya que sus colores on llamativos y tambien la de uber ya que no es una que siempre vemos

¿Qué app me envolvió desde el momento que la empecé a usar? ¿Por qué?

la que me envolvió desde que la vi fue la de snapchat ya que me gusta todo ese estilo de enviar fotos y videos y mas cuando no se pueden repetir y son unicos

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