The World's Most Engaging Math Game! By madison pisarski

Did you know that Prodigy is the world’s most engaging math game! It is true! Do you even know what Prodigy is? If you don’t know what Prodigy is, pick this article up and lets get reading! As you read this article, I will teach you all about wizard battles, boss battles, and the epics in the exciting math game, Prodigy!

The World's Most Engaging Math Game's Logo.

Wizard battles might be tough to get through, but you can do it! To start a wizard battle, you have to get close to a monster! When the monster sees you, they will start a wizard battle! If you don’t know what a monster is, someone will show you a kind of monster when you first start the game. In a wizard battle, click attack to see all the spells you can use to hurt your opponent. When you click your spell, you will see a math problem. To cast your spell, solve the problem. If you get the problem wrong, you can sometimes try again! Lastly, you can still see your opponent’s hearts.

Wizard Battle

Boss battles are different then wizard battles! First, the boss you're battling has hearts, but you can not see them! Unlike monsters, bosses are rare. That is because there is at least only 1 boss/ bosses in each land! You can’t battle bosses were ever you go. You can only battle them on a quest! Lastly, it will take a lot longer to kill a boss then a regular monster.

Boss Battle

The epics are cool and awesome, but they can hide secrets about themselves! First they are Prodigy’s first toys! Also there are only 5 of them, but all of them are rare to see in the game. There are 2 ways to buy an epic. First if you see a epic in the game, click it. You can buy it, or go to to buy all of them at once! Lastly, there names are, Big Hex, Florafox, Arctursus, Diveodile, and Magmischeif.

Prodigy's first toys, the epics!

So now you learned about wizard battles, boss battles, and the epics in the exciting math game, Prodigy. So now you know a little bit about Prodigy. So, pick up that chromebook, and let's get playing!

Play Prodigy on your Chromebook.

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