Intermediate digital photo p2-03 Compel your audience. Capture the moment. Light with purpose.

Photograhy for me is about finding interesting scenes and people who intrigue me and can make a good photo. When taking photos i try my best to make them as ready as possible so by ready I mean ready to print and give out, i prefer to do the editing on scene. shot lists don't seem as important to me as a composition list, similar but they have a different cause. I love photography because I've always had a love and appreciation for art but I've never been the best at drawing, photography is art with everyday life and everyday happenings just from an artists perspective.

From taking thanksgiving photos of my family i leaned a bit about how much food we actually make for only 6 people. I took these pictures above of the food and a bit of prep by finding the right moment to slip myself and my camera between two people to get a quick photo . When editing these pictures i used only lightroom all they needed was some lighting to be fixed, as i said i like to edit on scenefor composition i mostly used point of view but also some leading lines, some experimentation, and a little bit of avoid the middle. This was very odd year it was our smallest dinner ever, we usually would have around 10-15 people but this year only 6 were there to eat, and about 8 people were there after eating and having dessert.

the stuff and potatoes
the gravy for the turkey and mash potatoes
the snacks for before dinner
the preparation of the potatoes
the drinks for the dinner
socks for a sock drive
the group members and their socks

the point of this drive was to collect socks for those who down have enough money to pay for daily needs like socks this photo was taken to show off some cool socks of the great people who donated the most socks towards the cause.

livingroom chair
home made dog art
living room chair
our tree
our tree again
my moms favorite toy as a kid

these are six pictures that are 2 of each but one of the two of each has been manipulated in some way to alter the subject of the photograph. these are unedited photos before a little bit of editing can really spice up the lighted photos

the sun ray really creates a line through the photo so your eyes run from the top of the car to the ground and up the chair in the background
the light falling off center of the tree makes you look across the tree and onto the table to see the salt rock and oil diffuser
the light over taking the light that will cast a slight shadow cause the dog to be the first thing you see in the photo not a hard casted light.

by editing the photos i was able to really bring out the light and darks of the photos to show how much jus so much as shifting the orientation of the blinds in the room can change the subject and mood of the photograph. when you have control of the scene or photo take full control and use your surrounding to get a better photo try to use lighting tricks to get the subject of the photo to be the center of attention, even when it isn't the center of the photo.

Created By
buena photography

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