Uluru mangement report by monique taylor


Uluru is one of Australia’s well known landmarks. Its located in the South-Western corner of Australia’s northern territory, near Alice springs (450km). Uluru is an enormous red sand-rock monolith, it has also been seen to change color at different times of the day and year, its most striking when it glows red at dawn and sunset. Uluru has a longitude and latitude of 131.035904 and -25.344646. Uluru is managed by both the federal government and the Anangu indigenous people of the area. Uluru gets an expected amount of about 250, 000 of tourist each year. Uluru is thought to have started forming around 550 million years ago from the sand eroding from the Peterman Ranges.

Management and protection strategies:

the most important thing is the protection of Uluru and the relationship the Anangu land management kept the country healthy for many generations. A lot of damage has occurred ever since the piranpa (non-Aboriginal) people arrived. To this day, Anangu works together with park rangers, scientists and the Australian government to look after the land, plants, animals and most importantly Uluru. it is important that we protect Uluru in general but it also important to protect Uluru because of the connection that the Anangu people have to Uluru.

Evaluation of Effectiveness of strategies

Strategies have been added to Uluru in the hope of saving it, there have been many changes to try and treat the site. all the changes to Uluru have been affective somehow, to help save the rock for as long as they can. unfortunately the original owners of Uluru aren't in full control of Uluru as they don't have full responsibility or rights to protect Uluru and do what they want with the rock. The Anangu people of the land have kept there spiritual contact with the land and people on it. i think that there are still some rules the Anangu and Australian government could put in that would also help preserve and hopefully save Uluru. the main problem with Uluru is that each person that climbs Uluru it wears the rock down little by little. research shows that Uluru will keep growing in tourist which can damage and slowly erode the ancient rock away until theres nothing left. even though the Australien government try's to please the Anangu tribe but i think the best thing to do is stop tourist from climbing Uluru for a few years as i would be the only thing relevant to save Uluru.

Future Of Uluru.

I think that Uluru has beaming future ahead of it, since the government is making changes to Uluru and hopefully realise the effect that it will have on Uluru and the indigenous people of the land. the future of Uluru is all up to us and our decisions as where the ones ruining Uluru. if we place simple rules in such as don't climb Uluru and pick up all you rubbish or there should be a fine. if there are rules for Uluru than many of generations will be able to climb the Uluru. i find that it isn't fair if we don't save Uluru for later on in the future and for the future generations to enjoy and look forward to.


Uluru is a very sacred landmark that has been around for years which is why we need to take the time to mend it. if we do not mend Uluru it would not just be bad for the rock but it could also be very dangerous for tourist that are currently climbing the rock. some say that if we ban climbing on Uluru then Australia would loose a fair bit of money. i definitely think that people need to learn that banning Uluru needs to be done and they just need to go with it.

By Monique Taylor !!!!


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