What makes me cry

This is a photo of a monkey that is sad. Like how when Sal is sad cause her mom gets in a bus accident.

What makes me cry? Hmm, well a lot of stuff, I mean it depends. In the novel walk to moons Sal a girl, her mom gets in a bus accident. Later her gram is in the hospital and her Gramps knows she might die. So that day she goes and drives all the way to where her mom had got in an accident and begins to cry. That is a sad moment because one her grandmother is in the hospital and might die and two she is standing where her mom died. Sal is such a sweet girl and would do anything, even if she can't even drive. Sal is so wonderful and meets a girl named Phoebe. She is the total opposite of Sal. When something makes me cry it is not because of my emotions it is also because, well I mean for a purpose. Sal's emotions are sad because she seems like to nice ad sweet but she loves her family and loves them so much. So in the novel walk to moons that is what makes me cry.


Created with images by bradleygee - "Sad Eliza" • janeb13 - "mandrill sad face portrait"

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