Dictatorship life with a dictator

Journal entry 1: Vladimir Linin isn’t looking too good and I don’t know what going to happen to are nation once he dies I am worried what’s going to happen. All is well

Journal entry 2: Stalin is rising and starting to gain power and all of his competitors are dying of unnatural deaths I am convinced it’s him who is killing them and I’m scared of what’s to happen if he consumes power of us. All is well

Journal entry 3: After asking around town I just realized how dangerous and how much trouble that Russia was in. Stalin had been arrested 8 time and had robbed banks and held people at gun point for pay roll. All is well

Journal entry 4: I’m in complete fear Stalin has finale gained full control and im of what’s to come, Stalin is trying to turn Russia into an indusial superpower and take over the economy. Also, I read in today’s paper he was trying to take over farms and who resisted will be killed or exiled. All is well

Joseph Stalin far right

Journal entry 5: It’s been 2 years since I’ve written in my journal; it’s just been so crazy Stalin has killed thousands of innocent people including my father. It’s been so hard in his absents and I’m afraid what else is to come after this. I don’t understand what can make a man to be so cruel and evil. All is well

Journal entry 6: The year is 1933 and Stalin is still killing people from common people to people with political power. Some people are so scared they barley come out the house after he encourged citizens to spy on each other. All is well

Journal Entry 7: I’m as scared as ever, I’m so afraid that one day I’m going to wake up to one of Stalin’s men and there just going to talk me away to a camp or just shoot me down in cold blood just like my father. I hope his reign of terror would come to an end. All is well

Journal Entry 8: Today my worst fear came true Stalin’s men took me from my home and I somehow got my journal past those immoral vile men. I’m certain this is the end for me and my father has been on my mind very much ready to see him again. All is well

Journal entry 5: It’s been 2 years since I’ve written in my journal; it’s just been so crazy Stalin has killed thousands of innocent people including my father. It’s been so hard in his absents and I’m afraid what else is to come after this. I don’t understand what can make a man to be so cruel and evil. All is well

Journal entry 6: The year is 1933 and Stalin is still killing people from common people to people with political power. Some people are so scared they barley come out the house after he encourged citizens to spy on each other. All is well

Journal Entry 7: I’m as scared as ever, I’m so afraid that one day I’m going to wake up to one of Stalin’s men and there just going to talk me away to a camp or just shoot me down in cold blood just like my father. I hope his reign of terror would come to an end. All is well

Journal Entry 8: Today my worst fear came true Stalin’s men took me from my home and I somehow got my journal past those immoral vile men. I’m certain this is the end for me and my father has been on my mind very much I think I’m ready to see him again. All is well



Created with images by quinet - "Bust of Joseph Stalin" • FDR Presidential Library & Museum - "48-22 3659(69)"

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