Project 10 Nathan hartkemeyer

What the Project was...

The projects goal was to incorporate gears with our robots so that they may pull a weight to a certain distance.


Without Weight

With Weight

The Different Models created...

Model #1:

This model failed because off the lack of traction and the lack of gears to add force to the initial motor power. This would be the model that would lead me to believe it is not possible to used the treads in this field of activities.

Model #2

This Model was a failure based on the fact that because of the lack of wheels there was a lack of traction that could have lead to a successful trial with this model. (Side note: This model also had a previous failure because of the gear set up. The original gear set up had the small gear where the wheel was and a large gear where the motor was. This lead to a faster wheel but less torque.)

Model #3:

This model was a success in the gear set up field. this gear set up would experimented on but would turn out to be a failure because of the different gears and gear sizes. However the gear set up depicted in this photo would be used for the rest of the trials. This Model lacked traction which was a factor that had also been lacking in all previous models this would be fixed in the later Model #4 by adding wheels.

Model #4

Model #4 was the end result of multiple edits in the gear set up and the amount of traction used through the wheels. The new wheels used provided the extra amount of traction needed to propel the whole robot forward with the weight. The gear set up used would be the same one used and created in the previous Model #3 (with minor modifications to include a way to stop gears from falling off and improvements on wheel-gear spacing).

The Program Used...

This would be the code I would use through out the trials. Looking in retrospect I could have used more code to make it pull more weight/be more successful in it goal.

In Conclusion...

The Gear System:

The gear system throughout the models changed from using treads, to creating a gear train meant for speed, to our final result that would allow us to pull the weight. You can observe these changes throughout the many pictures. One thing that I would have changed in the Gears would have been the amount, however, this proved to be not possible due to the fact that we lacked the amount of gears i required.

The Model of the Robot:

Documented through out this page are the 4 different models that I had created through out the many class periods we had. Only 1 model had good success. This success was due to the many changes done through out the other 3 models that proved to be beneficial to the final product. Whether it be the gear train, the total structure of the model, or the amount of traction provided by the wheels I improved upon those factors that So that i could produce a successful product that accomplished the goal.

Final Words:

If I had to change one thing about the project done I would change the amount of gears provided so that we could come up with a more elaborate gear train to provide more torque or speed to the overall model of the robot. However, I know this would prove to be difficult because of the limited amount of gears provided in The Lego Robotics Set/The Lego Robotics Expansion Set.


Created with images by smarko - "sunset trees mist"

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