AdobeProud India Network presents Rainbow Library 17 May 2019
We are less when we don't include everyone - Stuart Milk.
Significance of May 17
The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia was created in 2004 to draw the attention to the violence and discrimination experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexuals, transgender, intersex people and all other people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, and sex characteristics. 17 May, IDAHOT is an opportunity to raise awareness of the human rights of LGBTQ+ people. It is also a chance to celebrate our diversity.
Rainbow Library
To commemorate this day, AdobeProud India Network partnered with 'Road to Utopia' team to bring a unique concept to life at Adobe Campus. The event 'Rainbow Library' was conceptualized on the premise that people from the LGBTQ+ community will come in as 'books' and share their real life chapters around various emotions. Adobe employees through this immersive experiences get to read (actually hear) these stories and relate how our strength lies in differences and appreciating similarities. The entire set up was engaging with colorful rainbow props, informative literature and books around LGBTQ+ community, self reflective exercises and a lot more! The entire event theme was around AdobeProud Pride theme for this year - ''Better Together''.
Stories as powerful change agents
This event was conducted across all sites of Adobe in Bangalore and Noida on the same day afternoon to create awareness and sensitization amongst employees.
The Impact
Three Hours. Four Locations. Twelve Books. Infinite stories. 470+ participants. Multiple curious on-lookers. 120+ new ERG sign ups. 40+ team behind the scenes. Countless joy. One objective - AdobeForAll.
Heartening feedback from the participants
It's tough to share the toughest part of your life. Thanks for sharing
Listening to these stories has given me courage to share about this at home! Thanks a lot!
Great initiative! more awareness needs to be spread about such strong issues, stereotypes needs to be broken. More power and Proud.
After the session I feel my life is so much better.
Glad to be a part of this. Big hugs to the speakers who accepted and loved their own selves. Truly #AdobeProud.
Thank you for providing us a chance to live someone else’s life through their stories.
Thank You!
Great job done by team Road to Utopia, AdobeProud SPOCs, passionate bunch of volunteers, ever ready to help members from GWS and security team and direction and support from Noida & Bangalore site councils. Together this is yet another step forward to create a workplace that works for everyone. #AdobeForAll