9/11/2001 A tragic historical event

American People witnessing the catastrophic raid expecting the worst
Civilians and workforce fleeing the scene away from hazardous air
Many victims took it upon themselves to end it rather then die within the buildings. Reports of people throwing themselves off the world trade center were high.
Protesters demanded the impeachment of former President Bush for allegations of 9/11 being an inside job to distract the people from unusual currency transactions prior to the event. People deny the fact that it was a terrorist from another nation but rather US officials to make a profit over the attack as well as giving reasons to go to war. Bin laden had apparently denied any allegation to the attack with the video of being apparently him announcing his involvement with skeptics believing it was a faked in order to put blame on Osama.

911 Web Post

> https://spark.adobe.com/post/jmy9bfVBgsEm9/

skeptics video

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