
Vote for Pedro.
  • My long term goal is to remain a top 5 student in my class of 2019.
  • S) To remain a top 5 student of my class. (2019)
  • M) June 7, is the deadline for me to keep working in the classroom and keep my grades up.
  • A) Yes, it's attainable I just need to come after school also to get low grades up, or do extra credit
  • R) It is realistic because I am already top 5 but I just need to continue to do what I'm doing and I will stay at this pace.
  • T) I have a little over 3 more years to keep track & check my progress throughout the grading periods, like progress reports & report cards. Also check my grades through power parent before June 7.
Mavic Pro
  • My short term goal is to buy a DJI Mavic
  • S) To buy DJI Mavic for $900.
  • M) I have a little under 4 months to buy one before the summer. By working different side jobs or resell some shoes to have extra money to buy it.
  • A) Yes, I just need to do research about what is a good price for them and see which sites like EBay, Amazon, various online markets have it for the price I'm looking for.
  • R) Yes, it’s realistic because $900 is obtainable in the time frame I have. Also the drone isn't a limited thing so I am definitely able to get it.
  • T) If I check up on my saved money and keep track of it I can get to the price point I need.
  • My long term goal is to have perfect attendance.
  • My long term goal is to be a better photographer.
  • S) Be a better photographer for everything.
  • M) I have a couple years to perfect my skills in photography. I can ask other people to mentor me and teach my different techniques.
  • A) Yes, it's attainable because if I can learn from my mentors and develop more skills in photography then I will better myself.
  • R) Yes, it's realistic because I have a great passion and many great photographers that are famous and good now started off where I am. So, if I just keep it up and keep up my passion for photographer and get new cameras I can make it realistic.
  • T) Yes, it's timely in a couple years to better myself. By just working on finding mentors to teach me and going out and self teaching myself also because I find it better to learn that way through experience.

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