Top 10 By: tristan perales

1. My favorite car is the 2017 Camaro, because it is a really nice, powerful car that I hope to get in the future.

2. Favorite Sport? Football. It is very fun to play because it requires you to be very active and to hustle. I also enjoy watching it, with my favorite NFL team being the Miami Dolphins.

3. Burgers are my favorite food. I enjoy burgers from any restaurant, but my favorite restaurant is BurgerFi.

4. My favorite football player is QB Dan Marino, who played for the Miami Dolphins from 1983 to 2000.

5. I love parties! Whether it be a normal birthday party, bar mitzvah, holiday, or even a get-together, these celebrations are always the most fun!

6. My favorite dog is the German shepherd. They are playful, loyal, and obedient. I also like them because they look awesome both as a pup and fully-grown!

7. My favorite video game is Madden NFL 17, because it is a game of my favorite sport, and is very re-playable.
8. My favorite holiday is Christmas. It's my favorite because you get gifts, eat good dinner, and spend time with your family.
9. I like the South Florida Fair because it has awesome, interesting foods and fun rides.
10. My favorite candy is Sour Patch Kids, because I like normal candy better than chocolate, and this candy is both sour and sweet.

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