WWW Y12 week without wall

We want to HuiZhou TwinMoon Bay for our Week Without Wall.

All the boys

We leave at monday at school, we prepare at the morning, get all the equipment done since we have to do some experiment on the beach. After lunch, we go up the bus and leave the shcool.

Hotel are nice

We did Group 4 project on the first 3 days, 4 people in one group, and we collect data and samples from the beach site and did the experiment. After we did the experiment, we have to do the presentation.

Huge jellyfish

After we finish the Group 4 project, we start to having fun on the rest of two days.

Preparing for the BBQ

We play volleyball and some funny games on the beach, and every day we have free time after dinner.

Crystals' birthday
ATV Quad Tour
Mountain Climb
Nice sunset

Is a good oppuntunity for Y12 DP students to relax and to leaving our pressure.

Created By
Eric Chen



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