In Posse Day of Service February 16, 2017

In Posse, AKF’s high performance building lab, conducted an engineering fair at Philadelphia’s Community Partnership School (CPS) on Thursday, February 16.

In Posse has partnered with CPS, a private charter school in North Philadelphia, for the past three years, providing an engineering introduction to students. The student body at CPS is largely comprised of children from traditionally underserved parts of North Philadelphia and the surrounding area. Through an equal and open partnership between school personnel and families, CPS empowers and supports hardworking and motivated students and better positions them to achieve their dreams.

Each year, In Posse provides classroom lessons to students and then holds an engineering fair where the students get an opportunity to learn about science and engineering hands-on. This year, In Posse had tables focused on simple machines (how levers and pulleys work), structural strength (how to make a toilet paper roll stronger), chemical interactions (how to make silly putty from glue and liquid starch), and iterative invention (how to make a better big bubble blower).

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