Alcoholism In abbotsford

Alcohol, just why?

Alcohol is known as liquid bliss, not for its taste but for its side effects. It gives a person a sense of relief and release from the endless binds of reality that most people find keeps them tide down to their stress and everything else that comes with it. Now that you know why people do it you might as well know what it does to you in return since as Newton had stated every action has an equal or opposite reaction. Here is a video covering some of those reactions the body can receive:

So alcohol acts more like drug than people know since people get hooked unto it quicker than they may think.

What does this have to do with Abbotsford?

Abbotsford has many incidences of abuse, accidents and parties gone wrong all having to do with alcohol. such as an incidence near Township line road where a truck went airborne prior too crashing into a ditch on February 1st, 2016. The man was under the influence of alcohol and had to be airlifted to the hospital following the accident. This event is one of the major accidents that has happened in the past year and many other smaller accident occur year round in Abbotsford. Children also can feel the negative effects of alcohol even they are not the ones to consume it. Some parents who drink may lash out at children and other loved ones for the problems in their life. Causing trauma, physical harm and other negative affects on those near them.

For more information about alcohol and other resources please visit the links below:

or call Kinghaven Treatment Center at 604-864-0039 Ext:220


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