The Capital Washington D.C. - 04.16

There is an inescapable sense of power and patriotism as you walk through the streets of Washington D.C.. The city is colored as much by the vibrant petals of its cherry blossoms as it is by a politically sensitive public much more visible than in other major cities of the US. In every direction, the "stars and stripes" of the American flag billow from atop stark, imposing buildings. There is no mistaking that you've arrived at the nexus of power on a global scale. If, as English philosopher John Locke wrote of a frontier land that " the beginning all the World was America" one can only guess at what the world will be in the end.

National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C., April 2016
Visitors pose for photographs in front of the White House, Washington D.C., April 2016
Political activists canvass the city, Washington D.C., April 2016
Scenes from around the city, Washington D.C., April 2016.
Souvenir Scrolls of the Declaration of Independence, Washington D.C., April 2016
Washington D.C., April 2016
Tour guides signal their patrons in front of the White House, Washington D.C., April 2016
Created By
Javed Adam

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