Composition Rules By: Vanessa Igbeka

Rule of thirds: She's on the far left third of the photo.
Repetition: The identical lockers are repeated over and over again.
Angle: Taken from birds eye view.
Strong Subject: The focal point is the girl that's graduating.
Framing: The solder is surrounded by names.
Leading Lines: The line in the display case directs the viewer's focus to the bottom half.
Selective Focus: Photo is focused on the graduated cylinder.
Mergers: The tree branch looks like it's coming out of his head.
Intrusions: Finger shows up in the bottom portion of the photo.
Bright Spots: Bright spots at the bottom of the photo from the sun shining in.
Cropping of Body Parts: Arm is cropped out.
Directional Errors: Chair is facing the opposite way.

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