Course Reflection So Much Learned, So Much Yet to learn

You mean it's almost over? Really? Seems like only yesterday I was ripping the backgrounds out of photos of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump for an earlier Spark presentation. Oh well. All good things must come to an end, as "they" say. But I have so much else to learn. Things like... Puppets!

Not Quite There, I know

Yes, yes. I need to learn to make my own puppet. I will have time to learn over the summer. This thing just amazes me, though, and I've used Adobe Creative Cloud products for a couple of years now. I had no idea! Learning about the mere possibility of using a puppet in presentations, like the animated GIF instruction, was gold to me.

One of My Students, in an Intro to Political Science Course. Photo Taken for an Earlier Presentation

What about letting and teaching my own students to use Adobe products and engage in their own creative projects? Well, to be honest, that question had not been of much importance to me before beginning this course. Political science is not an artistic field, after all.

I have, however, seen students light up with excitement when doing PowerPoint presentations. Unfortunately, I'm not a big fan of PowerPoint. It's just that no other program has seemed as accessible for student use. Adobe Spark, by contrast, is easy to use and allows for more web use. I think it will be easy and fun to teach students to use it.

Now, Uh, How Do You Illustrate Online Classes? I Have No Answer, So... Here's Another Photo of a Student!

and sound effects, i was happy to learn about those

I am not really joking there. Over the past year, I've done a series of podcasts for online classes, and started using them for traditional classroom courses as well. I recently heard a PoliSci professor talk about doing professional podcasts with students for a course, in a soundproof room and all. Now, I'm not quite ready for that, but I want to do more such work.


now, a final, quiet reflection. zen-like.

all photos from me, except the lamb. and... good night!


Ray Mikell, 2016 (Except for the Lamb)

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