3rd Grade News JANUARY 2017

I hope everyone enjoyed their Winter Break. We are excited to be back and we are ready to get back into a routine.

Welcome Mr. Presley, who is joining our team next week as he ventures into the field of education.

Skills we are working on:


Please review these problems to see if your child has mastered these skills. 574-239=? 164+586=?

Multiplying by 10’s and 100’s. 60x8=480

Click this link to have Sophia explain one of our strategies.


We are reading, and re-reading to gain better understanding of what we read, in order to share and teach others. Here is an example of us sketching pictures to help us understand and remember the information.


We have been learning how to write in cursive.

We will also be focusing on informational writing (research).

Our 100th day of school is coming up next month and it is a 3rd Grade tradition for us to dress up as if we were 100 years old. Please start planning ideas of how your child might want to dress for this special occasion.

Your child has set a self improvement goal. Check in with him/her to see where he/she is on this chart.

Amazing Race Reading Challenge

This is an optional fun reading activity where your child can earn emoji's after completing different tasks. Remember to encourage your child to read at least 20 minutes each day.

On a personal note....

My daughter's wedding was amazing even though it was interrupted by a fire alarm and evacuation from the Sunspere (20 flights of exterior stairs) just moments before the ceremony. Great memories and stories from day one.

Thank you for all your interest and support.

Created By
Cindy Schimel

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