Finding Somewhere to Improve my studying Learning Objective 6

So for this one, I wanted to find somewhere better to study. I found that when I'm studying at home, I couldn't get in the right mindset in order to learn and in order to work. So this will be a slightly different exhibit as it doesn't contain the normal things, but is rather a story of my journey to find a study location.

So obviously I have terrible study habits to begin with, and my first thought was simply to study in my room, when I began realizing how badly I needed to study. I quickly found that it was really easy to get distracted by really mundane things, and that I was just not in the right mindset in the place where I'm usually playing games and just not working.

The next place I tried was right outside. In my apartment there's a small living area, where we have a coffee table and a couch. It has power and internet access and my roommates use it to study sometimes. There were a couple problems with this place. I didn't feel comfortable, both with my roommates passing by somewhat frequently, and the space itself wasn't particularly comfortable to use a laptop in, at least for me.

The next place I tried was the ASC. This was a good place, at first. The wifi there was decent, and the atmosphere was conducive. However, as I tried to return, I found that a lot of the space was taken, either by classes or by other people.

My next, and the place I like to study the most is now the bottom floor in the library. It's very quiet, fairly private, and has quality internet access. I find that it helps me get into the mindset of studying to go down there. The only issue is that it sometimes it is rather full, and hard to find a private spot so that I'm not sharing space with someone else. Because of this, I follow a pattern, first checking the ASC, because it's closest to my residence, then checking the bottom floor of the library, before going back to the ASC, and then going to back to my apartment. This way I get a decent exposure over some time to places to study, and while it wastes a good chunk of time, I still think it's the best way to find the best place to study.

So now I have a good place to get into the right mindset to study. I know it's not exactly the perfect exhibit, but I really think that just changing where I work and study has helped me get into a better mindset. I should point out that most of this portfolio was done in my home, and the failure to move myself somewhere else is at least partially the problem with it's lack of timeliness.


Created with images by -Marlith- - "Library" • DariuszSankowski - "knowledge book library"

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