High School Start Times The Health Effects by Erin Dunn

Students may sleep in class or find themselves not paying attention in class due to lack of sleep. They also may miss class and have multiple absences. This can lead to lower academic scores which can lead to lower mental health due to lower self-esteem.

In an effort for kids to stay awake for school, they may rely on caffeine to keep them awake. This means that they may drink soda or sugar-filled beverages, which can lead to poor physical health and can even slow brain function.

Studies have shown that a lack of sleep can cause depression, being overweight, drinking alcohol, and smoking. Students could experience the negative effects of these things, which could be a negative factor of health that could potentially follow them throughout life.
If the high school continues to start at 7:50, then students may not have enough time to eat breakfast, which means their metabolisms will not be to the level they need to be at. This will negatively affect their health. Students will be hungry throughout the day because of an empty stomach. The opportunity to eat a healthy breakfast will improve students' physical health.
If Prince George High School opens at 8:30, then students will be more awake and alert to complete the tasks that are required of them which will lead to higher self-esteem and better overall health. Students will be less likely to get involved in dangerous health behaviors.


Created with images by pj_vanf - "tictac" • reynermedia - "Girl spleeping on desk" • ShuttrKing|KT - "Dimension" • Renato Ganoza - "A school waiting for its students." • MC Quinn - "Sleeping in School" • evelynlo - "supermarket cola soft drink" • StillWorksImagery - "weigh scales balance" • Megadeth's Girl - "Sad" • Monica Arellano-Ongpin - "liquor" • Jahhoo - "cigarette cigarette butt smoke" • jeffreyw - "Mmm... Breakfast Porn" • nihatyetkin - "porcelain plate is empty white" • NEC Corporation of America - "Education - Creative Commons"

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