How Cheating happens in School

If a college student is caught cheating, there could be severe consequences to that student. They could have a verbal or written reprimand filed in their student record, could earn a failing grade on the assignment or even the course, could be removed from the course, earn academic or disciplinary probation, could earn suspension, or lastly and worse of all expulsion. Some students can be charged with criminal charges if caught cheating or plagiarizing.

If high school students are caught cheating, they will receive a zero for the assignment, detention, and/or suspension.

A survey a student made the results from 24,000 students at Rutgers University shows that 64% of students admitted to cheating, 58% admitted to plagiarism, and 95% admitted to participate in some form of cheating whether it was on a test, or copying homework.

Plagiarism Checker is a website many teachers can use to check if their students are plagiarizing.

60.8% of polled college students admitted to cheating. 

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