jen - even though you didn't want us to celebrate you, it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. So we made this one especially weird just because we know how much you hate these things. enjoy all the random cat stuff - we're pretty sure you don't even like cats, which is what makes it even funnier.

JP and I have been on the magical mystery tour since the Aylon years! One of my favorite things about Jen, in addition to always helping me find that secret block of time with Susan and her amazing two-truths-and-a-lie skills, is her relationship with her CHILDREN. It was so, so great to be able to have dinner with Mac and Maisey in Milwaukee this year. They are PRECIOUS.

- Andrew Mandel


Jen, do you remember that time we rented a giant house somewhere in Michigan and then TMT got lost trying to get to the house so you were waiting there by yourself in the dark while our bus traversed through the woods? Or the time we rented timeshares in Vegas (botched trip to Red Rock included) and my amex got declined at the supermarket trying to buy snacks? And the time we had a team retreat at the lake in Wisconsin and your daughter refused to talk to me except for when she needed help opening her water bottle? What is my point here? The point is – ADVENTURE. I always know it’s going to be an adventure with you, a chance for more stories, and something we will be able to laugh (or cry) about together later, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. CHEERS TO MORE ADVENTURES! (also, cats. Where’s Ted Quinn when you need him?) xo Cindy

Jeff wetzler

Jen Pohl was one of my VERY favorite people to work with at TFA. She is relentlessly positive, caring, generous, selfless, and committed to doing what’s right for the team and for kids. Happy YOS, Jen!!!! - Jeff Wetzler

LaNiesha Cobb

OMG. Jen Pohl!

I don’t really have a sense of humor, so sharing something related to cats is not going to happen. But I LOVE JEN POHL! Here’s why…

1. She was part of the first time best time Atlanta institute back in 2006. What a summer!

2. Because she is not shy about demanding radical change in her school – pushing on what’s possible and necessary.

3. Because she’s my boo and always makes things happen for me – sometimes even behind Susan’s back. J

4. Because she’s the most kind, caring, supportive, genuine, badass, get-er-done person I’ve ever met!

The one and only min kim

Things I love about Jen:

- Jen is incredibly caring - of everyone, in ways large (Let's all remember how she made the paper for her selfless generosity as she organized available hotel rooms for stranded travelers during the Great Snowpocalypse Summit) and small (she buys the best retreat snacks and remembers what people like. Which is ridiculous because she has to remember so many much, much more important things)

- Jen is seriously brave: case in point, she's not afraid of being in a large, super creepy and deserted inn in the middle of the woods, at night, by herself. By. Herself.

- Jen is one cool cucumber: she is the definition of "calm under pressure". Look it up in the dictionary: yup, that's Jen's picture. Whatever level of stress she might be feeling inside, she just makes you feel that everything is going to work out just fine. So you believe her and eat another donut.

- Jen has ridiculously adorable children. I mean, ridiculously cute.


What I love about JP……

1. She’s the only person that I know her phone number by heart (digital age has made everything automatic except for JP’s number 608-658-4498). She’s just a phone call away.

2. When she picks up the call and I tell her my dilemma, my angst, my need, my confusion, my being lost, my missing my flight….she starts with “OH SUSAN” and then magically figures out a way to make it all better.

3. That everybody else can see why I’m so lucky to have such an amazing lead assistant, support, partner, colleague, friend. She knows how to problem solve and fix everyone’s woes….and somehow stays pleasant, friendly, and fun through it all.


Jen, you are the rock of our little happy team family! You’re truly a miracle worker (I wouldn’t believe it, but I’ve seen the miracles with my own eyes!) I can’t wait to continue getting to know you better and hopefully hanging out if you manage to successfully make it of the wilderness before our next team retreat. Happy YOS!!! - Lauren

meow, meow, meow


Happy 9th YOS Jen 🙂 From our initial conversation about joining this team and onward, your loyalty and commitment shine brightly in all of our interactions– two of the many traits I admire in you. I feel so lucky to work alongside you <3 Here’s to many more YOSs! - Bethany


In honor of Jen's request to not do anything to celebrate her YOS, I'm not going to write anything, instead I'll just include a heart emoji: ❤

and we can't forget your kids...



Created with images by wackyvorlon - "Grumpy-Cat" • wapiko☆ - "cat" • SimonaR - "cat eyes view"

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