The name of my hero is Alma Rodriguez. This person is my aunt.this person is from here Los Angeles. I interviewed this person because i look up to her. Also because she teaches me everything about life. also she gives me advice on school. She's the only one i trust.also because she is the only one i can tell things to.finally because she tells me everything about her pass.

This person had to overcome a lot of obstacles. One of the obstacles was enrolling in school late. Another is catching up with her work in school. Another is graduating high school. Another obstacle that she had to overcome was that she is the youngest in the family. Another one was when i was born. Since she was the youngest if i got hurt everyone would blame it on her.

One accomplishment that this person did was graduated high school. Also she graduated college from LA Trade Tech. Also she became successful in life. Also she got a job right after college. Another accomplishment was that she has a family of her own. Another one was being a big influence in my life. Another accomplishment was taking care of me all these

This person is a positive influence in my life because she tells me what i'm doing is bad or is its good.she gives me advice on everything.also because she helps me out when i really need it.we both go through the same struggle. Also because she honest to me about how will life be if i don't come to school.also because she cares about my education. And because she teaches me everything that's important. And because she is my aunt.

What i learned from this interview was that she's been through allot. Because she was in a large family. Also that i have looked up to her since day one. Because she was the who i liked being with. Also that even if things got hard she never gave up. Also that even though she enrolled in school late she still graduated.


Created with images by Glyn Lowe Photoworks. - "Los Angeles by Night (32)" • foundin_a_attic - "img362"

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